Monday 18 February 2013

The List - Attempt 2

The last 1001 days are long over, so it's time for a new 101/1001, which takes me to 20th November, 2015, midway through FY2.

1. Graduate MBChB
2. Get a paper published (Copied from the old list)
3. Get either under 58kg or be a toned 63kg
4. Get engaged (might need a third 1001 for that..)
5. Read at least 72 books (one a fortnight)
6. Own an original piece of artwork
7. Keep a reflective diary, not just for portfolio
8. Be proficient at woodwork (stolen from old list)
9. Cook a three course meal from scratch (2 courses is down, roast pork and lemon cheesecake)
10. Visit New York
11. Visit Malta
12. See a West End musical
13. Have a couples photo shoot
14. Solo surgery
15. Attend the Calcutta Cup
16. Pay off my debts
17. Pass MRCS Part 1
18. Meet a giraffe
19. Work at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games
20. Knit a full size item of clothing
21. Have an internet free day once a month
22. Win NaNoWriMo
23. Keep painting
24. Learn to snatch
25. Bodyweight clean and jerk
26. Run a 10K again
27. Present at a conference
28. Pass FY1
29. Keep reading non-fiction, non-medicine, for fun
30. Subscribe to a journal and actually read it
31. Visit Shetland/Orkney/Skye etc
32. Swim in the Loch Ness
33. Ski at Aviemore again
34. Go to at least one music event a year
35. Visit The Old Operating Theatre
36. Go on the London Eye
37. Go surfing
38. Do the Monopoly pub crawl
39. Bake bread
40. Understand economics
41. Distinction in Finals
42. Hand in Elective report ahead of time, and be happy with it
43. No more surgery or hospital admissions
44. No more fractures
45. Compete in a weightlifting competition
46. Row on open water
47. Learn to put on eyeliner properly
48. Qualify in ATLS
49. See a fractured pelvis
50. Own a designer dress
51. Have a coordinated wardrobe
52. Own shoes without holes in them.
53. Own Chanel perfume

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Where did my 1001 days go?

I could have sworn I had another year left on this... However, it appears my 1001 days are up and I should evaulate how far I got. And see how many of those 101 are being recycled onto the next 1001 days!

1. Cut spending to under £50/week.
I think I may have been delusional on writing this. However, I hadn't anticipated moving to London. FAIL
2. Start horse-riding again.
Again, hello - London. I ride the Tube. FAIL.
3. Join a university club or society - (23/9/09 - Dance Soc)
Double success as I joined the netball team at my new uni :)
4. Go to at least one surgical skills workshop - (26/10/10 - Suturing Workshop)
5. Get a paper published.
Nada. I have a potential place as third author on my supervisor's thesis. FAIL
6. Assist in theatre - (24/8/09)
Over 80 assisted procedures and counting :D
7. Get under 9 stone again! And stay there....
Ha. I may have managed this momentarily last summer. This winter I put on 5kg. FAIL.
8. Get engaged.
I got single instead. FAIL
9. Dye my hair (first time for everything!) - (1/6/09)
10. Own a piece of jewellery that costs over £100 (not inc engagement ring).
I lost the necklace that would cost £140 to replace, if that counts. Not that it will now be replaced given that it was my first anniversary gift from the now ex.
11. Make the first incision.
Still bloody nothing.
12. Learn to love my body.
See #7. 5 fecking kilos.
13. Go skiing - (25/4/10)
14. Read at least 250 new books (fiction!).
72. Well that was a pathetic attempt. A book every fortnight. FAIL.
15. Own at least five items of furniture.
Desk, ottoman, chair, bookcase, stool!
16. Blog at least once a week.
Me, commit to anything on a regular basis? Non.
17. Make financial plans for the future, including investing my savings.
I had a joint savings account with the ex. And an ISA. That counts.
18. Learn to organise my bills.
And then I moved back into halls and no longer had any bills...
19. Learn to tile a wall.
Nope. I learned to paint my nails though.
20. Learn basic plumbing.
21. Learn how to fix the 'lectrix.
Still nope.
22. Learn to fix a car.
I bought a car, with the boy's money. Haggled it down by £400 and got 6 months tax and a free cam belt thrown in.
23. Become proficient at woodwork.
I can dismantle and reassemble a flatpack desk by telepathy alone.
24. Cook a three course meal, from scratch.
Tried to cook for friends for my 21st birthday. Ending up dropping the chilli ladle on a friend's lap.
25. Cook Christmas dinner for at least four people.
Not since first year...
26. Visit Rome.
Yes! With my baby brother, interrailing. See also: Florence, Pisa, Milan.
27. Visit Prague.
I cannot get over my apathy about Eastern Europe.
28. Visit Paris - (9 - 13/8/10 avec R)
29. Go to Asia.
30. Go on an impromptu road trip.
With R. Headed for Castleton, ended up traversing Snake Pass and half of Derbyshire :)
31. Watch the ballet.
The Nutcracker, by English National Ballet at the Coliseum. I heart the mouse king.
32. See a musical in the West End.
33. Give blood. - (28/6/09)
34. Sign up for the Marrow Register - (May 2010)
35. Watch the sun rise with someone I love.
Not that I recall doing so deliberately.
36. See the stars, and be able to name some.
37. Completely give up ready meals.
Halls means ready meals.
38. Move my favourite things from my parents' house to my new flat.
Everything is *back* at my parents. Yay halls.
39. Not cry for a month.
Fairly sure I managed this most months. Except this one.
40. Not seriously injure myself more than once per academic year.
ROFL. 2010/11 - eye casualty. 2011/12 - 3 A&E trips for ?#
41. Take up Ballet again - (9/09)
42. Exercise at least once a week.
Joined the gym. Going to body pump, and legs bums tums. *proud*
43. Paint my big canvas.
44. Have a professional photo shoot of me and R together.
Well that won't be happening now...
45. Be a research guinea-pig.
So near yet so far. Signed up for an asthma trial, which then clashed with uni.
46. Have a place on an intercalated program applicable to my career plans.
Halfway through it :D
47. Own a designer handbag.
Does Aldo count?
48. Win NaNoWriMo.
Epic NaNo dropout within the first week.
49. Visit Edinburgh.
Yes - Easter 2011. Calton Hill, Holyrood, the zoo...
50. Dance in the Uni Dance Soc Showcase - (21 & 22/3/10)
51. Cannulate - (26/9/09)
52. Recycle all recycleable rubbish.
I'm not the recycling type.
53. Ride a roller-coaster. A real one. At Alton Towers. (8/7/09)
54. Swim in the sea at night.
The north sea just looks so unappetising.
55. Steal a road sign (preferably 'man putting up umbrella').
56. Attend an Aberdeen FC Vs Celtic game at Pittodrie
57. Ask a stranger where they bought their shoes.
58. Get a credit card, and use it responsibly.
"Responsibly"? Thankfully vague.
59. Have a joint bank account - (19/09/10)
60. Make friends with my neighbours.
No, just no.
61. Be in two countries at once.
62. Go to a Ceilidh.
Many - K's wedding, MedSoc Ball 2012, bsc ceilidh 2011...
63. Own a pet.
I can barely look after myself...
64. Declutter my wardrobe.
Expansion is the new decluttering.
65. Attend a uni ball - MedSoc Ball(20/2/10)
66. Tend a garden.
Nope. Concluding that I like concrete.
67. Find the study style that suits me.
Last minute, cramming, 4am?
68. Get a 20 at least once a semester. - Feb 2010 (Principles of Medicine I)
69. Have sex outdoors.
70. Stop buying greetings cards - make my own.
I heart Paperchase too much.
71. Make up with Hannah.
72. Visit Sweden.
73. Climb a munro.
This looks unlikely.
74. Come off Prozac.
75. Meet a giraffe.
Damn you Edinburgh Zoo for your lack of giraffe.
76. Ride in an ambulance (20/7/09)
77. Witness trauma treatment on-scene.
78. Ride in a helicopter.
Grump. No can do.
79. Work at the London Olympics.
Nope - moving out of London beforehand.
80. Have a job in uni town - (12/1/10 - Present) - Posh GP practice
81. Make a curry from scratch - (09/10 - chana masala)
82. Have a professional bra-fitting.
No thankyou.
83. Wear heels to uni.
Once, maybe.
84. Talk to my lil bro at least once a week - and not just to say 'is mum/dad in?'
85. Find a new favourite author (sorry, Ms Picoult...)
John Grisham!
86. Work as a barmaid /waitress.
Yup - silver service waitress, thankyaverymuch.
87. Work as a check-out girl.
88. Work as a secretary.
89. Work as a manual labourer.
90. Buy new heels without feeling guilty - (10/2/10)
91. Replace the lop-sided ponytail with a new look.
The lop-sided bun is a win.
92. Celebrate New Year in a different country.
Next year?
93. Save a life.
94. Write a will.
In the absence of anything to leave, I think this can wait.
95. Study first, procrastinate later.
*dies laughing*
96. Have a FaceBook free fortnight.
Not this decade.
97. Go to the cinema alone - (19/10/10 - The Social Network)
98. Buy/sell on eBay.
Bought far too many pretty shoes..
99. Knit a full-sized item of clothing.
One sock, a pair of gloves...
100. Watch at least twelve new movies a year.
I recall one movie this year.
101. Write a new 101/1001 list...
Shall do...

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Raidings of the public library

28. Elliot Allagash (Simon Rich).
An all-in-one-go book (or maybe I was just bored). Interesting from a psychological point of view, on manipulation and unconditional acceptance. I still hate American high schools.

Friday 29 October 2010

The postman hates me.

I've never ordered so many books off Amazon...

14. Bringing Down The House: How Six Students Took Vegas For Millions (Ben Mezrich).
Bought it cos it's the guy who wrote The Social Network, and having just seen the film, I wanted to read something similar but not identical. It was good! Kinda confusing with skipping between quasi-fiction and the "how I wrote this book" parts, but enjoyable all the same.

15. Before I Fall (Lauren Oliver). Teen trash. Groundhog Day with zero inspiration. I was begging her to just die, dammit, by day 2.

16. Last Night At Chateau Marmont (Lauren Weisberger). I heart Weisberger. It's fantastic summer trash (good trash). Although the "fame changes people for the worse" storyline is wearing a little thin now...

17. The Time Traveller's Wife (Audrey Niffenegger). Awesome, just awesome. The film version was great too, but the book was just a whole new dimension.

18. Her Fearful Symmetry (Audrey Niffenegger). Plain creepy. Great writing, as with TTTW, but whereas the whole time travel lark was vaguely realistic in TTTW, this was just beyond comprehension.

19. Mary Barton (Elizabeth Gaskell). L-O-V-E-D it. I heart classic fiction. Gritty, northern classic fiction is just the icing on the cake.

20. Emma (Jane Austen). Do I actually need to say anything? I love Austen.

21. Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction. Stolen from the boyf's bookshelf, read in a hasty weekend whilst working nights. Giggled.

22. The Pact (Jodi Picoult). Picoult. It's like modern Austen (I just vommed a little in my mouth saying that).

23. Handle With Care (Jodi Picoult). Osteogenesis Imperfecta is one of my diseases of huge curiosity. Love it.

24. Pictures of Lily (Matthew Yorke). Disturbingly visual. Not one to read before going to work, I was half hallucinogenic for the night.

25. Chasing Harry Winston (Lauren Weisberger). Fell in love with Leigh. I want her Mondays.

26. What Alice Forgot. Interesting, but not interesting enough that I was still thinking about it hours after I put it down. Forgettable.

Thursday 6 May 2010


12. The Spare Room - Helen G
Beautiful. A perfect read for a summer day, sat in the window with my feet dangling above the streets (Oreos a necessity).

13. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte


13. Admission - I live in Scotland. I couldn't live here for five years without making the most of our amazing outdoors!! So when I was invited to go skiing for a day, I hopped to it. Having been skiing six years ago, I figured it couldn't be that hard... Standing on top of a mountain in a cloud that reduced visibility to "Can I see my feet?" instead of imperial feet is the most surreal experience of my life so far. Loved it, would do again :)

50. For two nights only, I could be found on a local stage, pointing my tippy-toes and flouncing about like a right prima donna. And there was some dancing too. Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" will never feel the same again.

65. At risk of death, or at least grevious bodily harm, I missed my home best friends 21st birthday party to stay in UniTown for the social medic event of the year. It was worth it (don't tell her. Ever). Epic meal, cheapskate hotel being stingy with reception drinks, and yet again - me avoiding the ceilidh.

80. I heart my job! Last week, I left early cos I fancied a nap. How's that for superflexible??? I summarise medical records for a local GP - it counts as revision, I get paid well (bonuses = biscuits), and I get to meet some superlovely Docs!

90. Guilt free tends to equal reward for good behaviour. So what if I bought the shoes before I sat the exam?

Thursday 10 December 2009

Termtime fiction is for slackers

11. Songs of the Humpback Whale - Jodi Picoult
I should really have said 250 books (not including Jodi Picoult), but I can't, cos I'm obsessed with her stuff. I really shouldn't be, cos this wasn't that great. Confusing the first time, predictable the second (obvious, really).

I will, will, will read Mary Barton next week. Before I go home for Christmas. Then the nightshifts will beckon, and I will up my speedy reading.